Another Guam article:
Guam's leadership is obese -- shrink it down
Pursuant the poll question "Should Guam have a part-time Legislature?" The answer is "YES" and the Legislature should be made up of the 21 village mayors whom are elected by the people they represent and not "at large," like the senators who do not represent any particular block of voters. The Guam Legislature is not a representative democracy but more an oligarchy.FYI: Be advised that the Municipality of Anchorage (265,000 people, 1,400 square miles) is run by 11 city councilmen and a mayor (12 people). The Councilmen are considered part time and are paid $22,000 a year, where as Guam (195,000 people, 320 square mines) has 48 elected officials -- 15 senators, governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, public auditor, 21 mayors and eight vice-mayors, (not including the Guam Education Policy Board) -- to do what 12 people do in Anchorage.
Conclusion: The elected leadership of Guam is obese and should be cut back in size to 24 or less (governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, 21 mayors/senators) to save millions of dollars and make Guam a representative democracy.
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