OTHER STATES: Pennsylvania Editorial
This is a good editorial in the Patriot News from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, which talks about the wastefulness of that state's full-time legislature and the opposition to moving to full-time in other states, such as Montana. Here's my favorite paragraph:
There's a refreshing quality about a legislature that is truly representative of the people, one that is composed of public servants who actually experience the day-to-day travails of regular folks. One that's not insulated from economic and social realities by oversized salaries and pensions, the best health-care plan money can buy, taxpayer-provided late-model cars, out-of-state trips galore to fancy places, "walking-around-money" for pet projects in their district, ad infinitum.
And in response to the editorial writer's final comment: I very much don't mind if a less corrupt legislature is more boring and gives the newspapers less to write about. And I'm sure pretty much every other Americans agrees with me there.
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