The Guam part-time legislature debate is heating up! This is an excellent exercise in real democracy and we're sure the final answer will be the right one: cut down the fat in the government and go part-time.
Here are some of the many articles in the Guam local media:
- The work of making laws is well suited to regular folks dedicated to public service
- Let voters choose on part-time Legislature
- Full-time senators must stick to people's work
- Part-time Legislature accomplished more
- We should govern at grass-roots level
- Part-time Legislature would cut down on GovGuam borrowing, spending
- Guam would truly benefit from a part-time Legislature
- Senators wrong people to change the Legislature
- Part-time Legislature appropriate to Guam's size, population
- Part-time pay for senators' part-time work
- Part-time legislator too busy to make excuses
- Legislature debate spotlights caste system
- Guam no longer requires full-time Legislature
- Part-time Legislature requires more thought
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